Ritchie Design

Ritchie Design

Graphics & Art Direction

Ritchie Design

Graphics & Art Direction

Diaries, Health, Property, Polo, Fashion, Film, Food, Furniture, Jewellery, Marquees, Magazines, marketing…

Identity, Emails, Newsletters, Art Direction, Website & Stationery

Branding, Website and Brochures

Branding, Website, Newsletters, Social media campaigns

Identity, leaflets, postcards, book cover, CD & website

Branding, Website, Stationary and Signage

Identity, Packaging, POS and Brochures

identity, packaging, advertising & website

Identity, Packaging, Shop front and interior signage

Identity, Stationery, Corporate Branding & Website

Branding, Website and Launch

Branding, Website, Brochure and Signage

Identity, Website & Stationery

Creative director – Art Direction, brochures, website, product development & seasonal campaigns

Identity, brochure, stationery & website

Website for Art Dealers in Mayfair

Website for an app that connects people within a building workplace.

Identity, website & stationery

Identity & website

identity, stationery & website


book documenting the history from 1907 to present day

Identity, concepts, illustration & Stationery

website & stationery

CD & book covers

Personal images